title Login with IDP (iFrame) Customer->OXID:goto /mein-konto OXID->OXID-Backend: retrieve content for /mein-konto page OXID<-OXID-Backend:send /mein-konto page with iFrame OXID->IDP: Integrate /Account/Login as iFrame OXID<-IDP: Login Form Customer->IDP: enter user and password OXID<-IDP: Call CallbackUrl in iFrame with id_token and nonce OXID->OXID-Backend: Analyse Parameter OXID-Backend->IDP: get keys and signed pem OXID-Backend<-IDP:send keys and pem OXID-Backend->OXID-Backend: encode and verify id_token OXID-Backend->iMan:request SAP-Customer Info with AlkoCustomerNo OXID-Backend<-iMan:send data OXID-Backend->OXID-Backend: create user or update OXID-Backend->OXID-Backend: login user in oxid with session OXID<-OXID-Backend: send iFrame content OXID->OXID: iFrame content send message over javascript to parent page Customer<-OXID: reload page after login with location.reload()